Can't wait to see you on March 27th for some science, socializing, spirits (and food!). We’re so grateful to partner with @SalemTalksScience to bring education and community together. See a write up below on our science pub speaker, David P. Craig (@davidpcraig),
David Craig has been a behavioral ecologist since 1987, focusing his field-oriented research on the response of animals to human-modified ecosystems and subsequent changes in distribution and movement patterns. The work combines life history and physiological and ecological information to address questions related to migration, predation, parental care, and social behavior. Today, Craig has a particular interest in nuthatches, oaks, & public health but has expertise with many species, including crows, ravens, jays, terns, cormorants, gulls, plovers, murrelets, squirrels, and grasshoppers. He grew up in Scappoose, Oregon, and attended Lewis & Clark College, the University of Colorado, and Oregon State University before becoming a Professor of Biology and the Co-director of the Science Collaborative Research Program at Willamette University. Craig’s passion for interdisciplinary and collaborative work helped grow undergraduate research programs in the Pacific Northwest funded by the National Science Foundation, Carnegie Mellon Foundation, and MJ Murdock Charitable Trust. He is studying chinuk wawa, always reading a new book, and planning his next trip or meal with a large circle of friends and family.
Presented by Salem Talks Science!
IG: @davidpcraig | @salemtalksscience | @gilmanscholarship